Work Trip Report: Rio Bravo Ministries

Medical Mission Trip to Rio Bravo Ministries | Reynosa, Mexico | April 30-May 4, 2021

You may find yourself questioning what a Medical Mission trip has to do with Cornerstone Restoration.  Now is your time to find out and make plans to join us on our next trip.


I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have been told to “count my blessings.”  If you read the Bible, you will quickly recognize that the word thankful (thank, thanks, thanksgiving, thankfulness) shows up literally hundreds of times.  Almost every apostle instructs us to better understand the benefits of being thankful.  


Visiting Rio Bravo Ministries and the two school campuses associated with it will most definitely recalibrate your heart, your mind, and your soul.  I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve next to some of the most amazing, selfless, and wonderful people in my life!  God is very alive and very present at Rio Bravo Ministries.


Twenty-two doctors, dentists, nurses, and support staff touched down at the “Blue School” with one mission in mind: to serve the community.  


Thanks to Ray and Spencer Hansen for their foundational support in hosting and organizing. Ray and Spencer have dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel, building Christian schools, teaching the Bible, voicing the word of God, and advancing the Kingdom in so many ways.  This community outreach program took months of deliberate and extensive planning sandwiched with persistent collaboration with hospitals and our church body. After numerous attempts to secure the necessary medical supplies, medications, and equipment to efficiently and effectively deliver quality, comprehensive care, we were able to gather for an incredible clinic experience.  In addition, hundreds of pairs of glasses were properly fitted on mothers, fathers, and their children.  Many could see clearly for the very first time in their lives.


It is extremely difficult to put a few words together to express the impact God allowed us to make on the local community and more so, the impact the local community made on us!  Four hundred and eighty-two patients were loved, comforted, and given medications, and had cavities filled, teeth extracted, glasses provided, and extensive consultations on combating existing diseases. And then more - the evangelical portion of the clinic was open and encouraged for all who stepped through the clinic doors. 


Cornerstone Restoration was beyond proud and honored to serve next to so many dedicated medical professionals.  You do not need to be a doctor, or even know how to use a thermometer, to contribute in a huge way.  We absolutely could have used more hands and feet to support the medical team.  So many Cornerstone Restoration volunteers enjoyed the experience of a lifetime.  Tears of joy and hugs of gratitude were plentiful.  Hearts were softened and THANKFULNESS resonated within the school compound and throughout the community.  


We cannot thank Ellery and Doug enough for their persistence, endurance, and dedication to supporting and providing this opportunity to serve.  Watch the video below to catch a glimpse into our trip!

If the stories, photos, and video of our work of love in Reynosa perk your interest, mark your calendar to join us on our next trip July 15-18, when we'll help finish their high school building in time for them to welcome students in the fall! Sign up to join our email list to hear additional details about this trip soon.


In HIS Service,


Paul V. Rudzitis, Executive Director


Work Day Report: Partners in Hope


Work Day Report: Partners in Hope